Monday, March 26, 2012

Are You an Organ Donor?

People have been so kind this last week. Overwhelmingly compassionate. Thank you.

Right now we are coping pretty well, trying to keep life normal. We've been busy with a sick toddler (just a cold), insurance pre-authorizations, medical provider switches, buying a 2nd car (hate car shopping), filing taxes (we owe, bummer), and other such normal tasks...

Many of you have asked if there was anything you could do. Honestly, there isn't much for anyone to do besides wait and pray. Although, if you're game for something a bit out of the box, there is a small thing you could try...

I have thought a lot about how this baby will always need a heart transplant. Kind of ironic, considering my own path to becoming an organ donor: I used to be completely against it. Not that the arguments for or against it mattered much to me, really the whole thing just creeped me out. And now I am having a baby that may someday depend on an organ transplant.

Heart donors are rare. Child heart donors are even more rare, simply because, thankfully and wonderfully, most healthy children don't die.

But I think the questions are still important to ponder: Have you considered becoming an organ donor yourself? Have you considered organ donation for your children?

I hadn't thought of it at all for my own toddler, but I have this last week. I can't fathom how I'd live without her should anything that tragic happen. And yet, I have another child who may one day depend on another parent's consent in an awful situation.

There's no right or wrong answers to these extremely personal questions, but perhaps it's something you can think on and discuss with your spouse in the next few weeks. While your decisions probably won't have any effect on our situation, it's at least something you could do for us while we all wait.


  1. How do you consent to make your child an organ donor? For myself I just checked the right box on my driver's license app. But my child doesn't have a driver's license.

  2. I am. And as hard as it would be I would have my children be one too. How could I be so selfish to give hope to another parent even though I'm heart broken. Like you said we would hope that if our loved ones needed help from the kindness of a stranger, how could we not be willing to do that for another ourselves. I think another great thing people can do, that is relatively easy and they can do it now, is donate blood! There is always a need out there for blood!

  3. I am definitely PRO organ donation. There are so many people waiting for organs while viable ones are buried. My sister is soon to be on the heart transplant list too. I think a lot of people are for organ donation, but they simply haven't signed off on it or talked with their families about it. Best wishes and many prayers are being sent your way. :)

  4. My baby passed away at 2 months old, though it was a easy but tough decision we decided to donate his heart tissue to help and bless the lives of preemie babies. It is so hard to find out your baby is not healthy, know that our thoughts and prayers are with you. It might not be viable to your situation but I just think how amazing technology is today. I heard on the news the other day that Children's Hospital in Seattle is now using artificial hearts until they are able to find a donor. Know that everyone is on your side and that there are so many resources for support. I know a lady that knew her baby had Potter's syndrome before he was born and was able to contact other moms to know what to expect. Know that you are loved so much, and Heavenly father is by your side every step of the way even when you can't feel him.
